Sunday, April 4, 2010

30 Days Till "Chicago"

OH Crap!! That was a wake up call. You see just a couple of days ago I looked at the website for a local dinner theater and saw that the auditions for the musical "Chicago" were tentatively going to be in mid July since the show would go up in Sept.

Today however, the site shows that the auditions will be May 3rd & 4th. They are combining them with auditions for "Into the Woods." This is a shocking wake up call. I was planning on having April, May and June to get closer to where I want to be in by the auditions.

Now I am facing 30 days. I know it's not really what Spark people is about, but I feel like I almost need to think of myself as being on The Biggest Loser for the next 30 days in order to feel like I am going to be in a better physical condition for this audition.

Usually in this case, the callbacks are much later (weeks or a month or two). Which means I would have a second opportunity to show the director my physical dedication to the project if I was in even better shape then. Right now I need to focus on creating the best impression I can in the next 30 days, and pray that it's good enough to get me called back.

I am calling on all Spark people who read my blog or are on my friends list. If you don't see a status or a blog from me each day, PLEASE call me out! I need your help. Self discipline is NOT my strongest asset. In fact, I'm not so sure I would even list it as one of my assets anymore.

I have copied color images the CD liner notes for both soundtracks and attached them to the fridge, my laptop and the shelves in the pantry. I have dusted off my Catherine Zeta Jones ("Velma Kelly") Doll and put her in an even more prominent location in my room. I have already gone for a 30 minute walk and did an additional 30 minutes of stretching and strength training to the big musical numbers from the movie. I feel like I am in the right frame of mind but as Velma sings, "Now you see me going through it. You may think there's nothing to it. But I simply can not do it ALONE!"

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