Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Hate it When...

Someone (in this case my boss) says to you, "Have we need to talk...tomorrow."

AAaaaaack! Why? ABout what? What did I do? Why TOMORROW? Ugh!

Now I know today was April Fool's Day, but this wasn't a prank. Literally, as he was leaving for the day he said that. So I walked him out and told him that's really not cool. Don't leave something "heavy" in the air for me to stew over all night.

Ultimately, he tried to allay my fears with things like, "If I was going to fure you, I would have called you in today." Not his best work, but I believe he understood, that through no intentional malice he sent my anxiety over the deep end and my paranoia to new levels.

For anyone who has never had a full on, knock down, dragged out anxiety attack. Let me clue you in. It's true what they say that they can be mistaken for a heart attack. All I seemed to be missing was the shooting pain down the arm.

There was an immediate tightening in my chest and a shortness of breath. My legs felt like jelly when I went to move and there was this overwhelming urge to burst into tears. And of course, no paper bag to breathe into in sight.

GOd bless the makers of Klonopin. It seems to be all that "talked me back down."

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