Sunday, June 6, 2010

Urgent Care

So I landed myself at Nextcare Urgent Care Friday night after work with chest pains. First let me say, apparently that is the "green light," the "golden ticket," the "advance to Go," symptom to have. Because as soon as I said chest pains, I signed a "persmission to treat" and they whisked me on back. Nurse Jodie took me to a very cushy room and filled out my online medical history for me. Apparently they do not want to risk you keeling over the computer kiosk while filling out the online forms from whatever is causing the chest pains.

Anyway, they decided I needed to have some blood work done, and EKG and some chest Xrays. Let me say, Nurse Jodie was fabulous! Great bedside manner, very friendly and made me feel very at ease. Which considering I tend to make (innappropriate)jokes when I'm nervous and uncomfortable, was very kind.

However, I told her that I'm not good at the blood thing and that I WILL cry, it's completely involuntary. She gave me a tissue, I looked away and she poked the needle in. So we're good to go I think. Then she says, and I quote, "Oh crap."

I continue to look away, and calmly tell her that I'm pretty sure she's not supposed to say that with a needle in my arm. That it's kind of like your stylist saying "Ooops." It's just not somoething we want to hear.

We both got a laugh out of that and she promised not to say "Oh crap" during any of my other tests.

By the way, they couldn't find anything pulmonary or cardiovascular. They think it could be muscular but more than likely stress.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you didn't have a heart attack, sorry to hear you're under so much stress!!
